关于「 sbidm」的内容列表

SBI Digital Markets signs tokenization agreement with Kyobo Securities

SBI Digital Markets (SBIDM) in Singapore has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Kyobo Securities for a Security Token Offering (STO). SBIDM is an indirect subsidiary of Japan's SBI Group, which is active in the tokenization space. Together, the two companies hope to leverage their ecosystems in Korea and global markets to explore real-world asset tokenization, particularly in Europe and Asia, where there is greater legal certainty.

2024-08-06 19:14:19
SBI Digital Markets 与韩国教保证券签署代币化协议

新加坡SBI Digital Markets (SBIDM) 与韩国教保证券就证券型代币发行 (STO)签署了一份谅解备忘录。SBIDM 是日本SBI 集团的间接子公司,该集团在代币化领域非常活跃。两家公司希望共同利用其在韩国和全球市场的生态系统探索现实世界的资产代币化,特别是在具有更大法律确定性的欧洲和亚洲。

2024-08-06 19:14:19